Devlog #4 - Forking Around

Hey all!

FULLY WORKING PATHS! I'll let the gif speak for itself!

All paths connect as expected, including forks! If you click a fork, it'll change direction too. If you delete an edge connected to a fork, it'll change it to a straight or corner path.

All of the path connection code was built to reference 4 separate tile groups, one for each direction's possible connection point (NW, NE, SW, SE). Being built this way will let me add/remove tiles from those groups in the future without needing to keep writing connection code. 

This was surprisingly a huge pain in the ass to get working... I was battling 3+ bugs at any given time, and each bug "solved" revealed two new flaws. It took several nights of slamming my head against my keyboard before painfully deciding to rewrite from scratch... and it got much simpler when I did - from 850 lines of code to 600.

Next steps:
- Adding obstacles, platforms, an exit portal, and other mechanics
- Start simulating the Salamanders following paths

Thanks for reading! Would love to hear your thoughts!!

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- Tapsteady

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