Devlog #6 - Rat in a Maze

Hey all!

Been working on player movement! These will eventually be the salamanders!

After you place your paths, you hit simulate to test if the player will make it to the exit.

Weird I'm calling them players because you won't control them, but we're going with it. 

The player pulls the grid data from the editor, then checks the tile it's on, and creates a target based on the tile direction. Once it moves to the next tile, it lerps between tiles over 10 frames (toggleable speeds), acquires a new target, changes facing direction, and repeats until it's at the end of a path.

I'll need more precise arcing movement when I work on corners/forks and have the final art in. There's also a lot of polish work to do here.

I also need to add additional players which means I'll need to track where players are on the grid and check if another player is in the next tile or two tiles over, heading into the same tile. Using a collision check won't give me the precision I need for these salamanders to bump into each other and fall over - which is going to happen often as a fail condition.

Only a few more steps away from a finished gameplay loop and I can start adding mechanics / designing puzzles!

- Add more salamanders!

Thanks for reading! Would love to hear your thoughts!

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- Tapsteady

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